How to Build a Successful YouTube Channel in 2022 (Complete Guide)

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YouTube has grown in popularity time and time again to become a leader in online video content. By following a few simple steps and going through all of the necessary requirements, you will be able to build your own successful channel in the near future. In this article, I am going to cover all the essentials for creating, growing, and monetizing your very own YouTube channel in 2022.

The best part about starting your YouTube channel is that there are no barriers between you and success. The only thing standing between you as a creator is a time and effort, which can amount to anything from a few hours per week on top of study hall or after-school programs to hours per day on top of full-time jobs or school. You can earn money with YouTube without doing any hard work, as long as you have a good amount of channel Subscribers.

How YouTube Started and its Functions

YouTube was founded in 2005 by three students from Stanford University, and it has grown over the years to become the leading site for people to create, share, and view media. It is a website used for uploading/creating videos and watching others’ uploaded videos. This website was created for anyone to be able to use without any hassle. 

Users can make their own channels where they are able to upload content such as their opinions on a certain topic or their favorite TV shows or movies. They can also watch other peoples’ uploaded videos where they can comment on them or like them or even subscribe to that user’s channel so that they get notified when they post new content. 

There are many benefits to having a YouTube channel, but the best part is getting paid for it. At the time of this article, the minimum you will be paid per view is $0.18 – which actually isn’t bad considering your hard work. You can even earn money off of people liking your videos or subscribing to your channel if you post them as public. YouTube is a great place to test out what content your audience likes and then you can start to monetize off of it by adding adverts.

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet, which means that if you can learn how to master YouTube, you can target a large audience. YouTube also has some of the most advanced analytics across any website. This lets you fully see what your audience likes and doesn’t like about your channel and what kind of content they want to see from you in the future.

Setting up your YouTube Channel the Right Way

Creating a great video can be overwhelming if you first start out without any sort of strategy or goal in mind. There are many different elements you will need to put together your YouTube channel, but here are some of the most important ones.

Channel Name

Your YouTube channel name is one of the first steps to take when creating your channel. The name of your channel can be kept simple and short, with just a few words or two. This is the main title that will appear in the YouTube search bar, so choose something memorable that people will want to click on to watch more of your content. Your downline will also want to know what you’re called so that they’ll know who’s going to be working for them when they become members of your team.

You can also choose a name that has some meaning to it. If you’re making a video about getting into college, you can call it “My Perfect University Essay” or something like that. You want your viewers to know what they will be watching before they even click on your channel, so having a name that gives them this will make them more inclined to watch more of the content you upload.

Channel Logo

The next thing you need is a YouTube channel logo. All of your videos will appear in the same place: right next to the search bar in front of people’s eyes when they click on your name, so they need to think that the channel looks professional. Having a logo that looks professionally designed will help contribute to this. You can get a logo designed by using an online logo maker website like or Fiverr. com.

Once you have your logo done, you can use it on all of your social media sites as well as any websites you have that are associated with your YouTube channel. This will help people associate your YouTube channel with you and also allow people to easily find more information about the content you uploaded for their own reference when they search for it. 

Playlists Setup

Playlists are a great way to organize your content so that people can easily find all of the videos you have uploaded without having to go through all of the videos that you have on your channel. This is helpful if you want people to know exactly what kind of content you upload or want them to know how many videos there are on your channel. There are many different types of playlists that will allow you to experiment with organizing your content, although the only things they cannot be used for is monetization and playlists that feature other YouTubers.

It’s great to start with a few playlists, and then build from there as your channel grows. If you only have a few videos on your channel, you can split them up by category or by length. Make sure to keep your playlists updated in order for people to easily find what they are looking for after you have added more content to your channel. You can also add related videos from other channels to your playlists so that people who watch one of yours will be able to find similar ones if they liked the first video they watched.

Featured Videos and Channel Intro

If you want to get people to watch your content more often, you need a featured video and channel intro. The featured video is the first one that people will see in your Playlists and is usually the first one you upload after creating your channel. It is usually a video with an intro that lasts for about 5-10 seconds before it does a fade-out.

This is great for building authority as well as having another place for your logo, channel name, and statistics about how many videos you have on your channel. If you include audio in this part of your YouTube channel, it will also help give some life to an otherwise white screen. There are also many advanced settings in this portion of the page that you can customize so that it fits your channel style perfectly.

The Channel Intro is a really important part of YouTube and is probably the most important thing you will work on after creating your channel. This is where you will include your channel description, which can be custom-tailored to make it unique and interesting to people who go to your channel. You should put as much information into it as possible, so make sure you include all of the different elements that people will want to know about your channel.

Be creative and make use of the different features available to you. You can use images as your channel intro to give it some life, as well as videos that play with words to build a strong description for your channel. Please don’t just copy what other people are doing; be original!

Channel Banner Image

Your channel banner is the first thing that people see when they go to your YouTube channel. This will also serve as an image for any social media sites you have linked to your channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and others. Serving as a banner image on your website makes your channel more presentable and will make people who go to your site more willing to click on a banner link to watch your content.

The image that you have in the banner should relate to the content you are uploading in some way or another. It can be a still image from one of your videos or an image of yourself with an introductory message about who you are and what type of videos you upload. The picture should also be 250 x 150 pixels, which is the standard size for YouTube channel banners.

If you want to use a bigger picture, make sure that it is resized or cropped so that it fits into this size. If you’re going to put text in the banner, make it simple and easy to read. If people can’t read something, they won’t click on it. White text on a black background is the best color choice for your video banner, but you can also play around with colors if you want your banner to be more visually appealing.

Channel Description

A lot of people overlook this part of YouTube but this is a very important part for building authority and gaining subscribers. Make sure that you include a lot of information and link to your social media sites so that people will be able to find you or follow you on the platforms where you are most active.

If it is not appropriate to put something in your YouTube channel description, then don’t do it. We recommend seeing what others are doing with their channel descriptions and using those for inspiration. You can also check out our free YouTube course, which covers everything from setting up your YouTube channel to getting more views and building a strong audience so that you can start making money from it. You can take this course in just 28 minutes and get an A+ grade. Why should you do that? Well, because we’ll send you a free A+ grade report every week, as well as take care of all the hard work for you so that you focus on actually getting views.

Tips for Creating Unique YouTube Videos

The only way to become a big YouTuber is by creating great content. YouTube gives you the tools that you need to do so, but it’s up to you to actually use them and create something that people want. Be original! The only way for you to get views and subscribers is by creating great content that can stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Top Tips to Create Great Videos

Create a Compelling Title This title should tell people what the video is about and why they should watch it. What makes this one of your top videos? Try brainstorming ideas about what subject your video will be about and then find a title that is catchy, but also accurate.

Create a Compelling Description This will be the main body of your video, so you should put a lot of time and effort into it. Explain what the video is about, what makes it different from others, and why people should watch it.

Create a Compelling Outro Include information about yourself and your channel in this section so that people can follow you on social media or subscribe to your channel directly. You can also include information about other videos you have uploaded to give people more things to watch and get them focused on your channel.

Use Thumbnails for Your Videos When uploading your video, ensure that you only upload one thumbnail. This will be the video preview for people to see when they first go to your channel. You don’t need a bunch of different thumbnails because it will make it really hard for people to find the video that they are looking for.

Use a Call-to-Action Include a call-to-action at the end of your video so that viewers can click and go to the next video. Use the call-to-action to tell them exactly what you want them to do. For example, if you want them to subscribe to your channel, then tell them exactly how they can do that so that they don’t get confused.

Best Ways to Generate Ideas for Creating YouTube Videos

There are times when you just can’t seem to think of anything creative in order to create a YouTube video. Well, we’ve got some suggestions that are great for generating ideas so that you can make sure that you’re always coming up with new content to post.

Here are some suggestions that will help you get ideas on what to create your videos about:

Use Popular Topics This can be a great idea if it is appropriate for your channel and if you have the resources. If you have the skills, then why not try making videos on popular topics? You can check out what other people are doing in the same niche and see how they are creating their videos so that you can come up with your own spin on it.

Leverage on News or Trends There are some celebrities and public figures who will create something just because it is trendy or hot at the moment. If something is popular, then use it as your inspiration to create your own video content. You never know when the trend will fade away, so you should focus on getting your video up while it’s still relevant.

Look at Other YouTube Channels If you want to see how other YouTubers are creating their content, then check out their channel and see what makes them unique. Why are they successful? What do they say in their descriptions? Try applying what they say in your description and see if there is a difference between your video description and theirs.

Look at Other YouTube Videos If you have time, then check out other YouTube videos so that you can be inspired. There are some great YouTubers out there who have already created a lot of content in your niche and they have followers, so you can learn from them. When you look at other videos, pay close attention to the quality and see if it matches your quality or not. You can also see if they are creating interesting content, so you can figure out what works best for you and your audience.

Use Social Media to Get Ideas If you want to find something that will be really good for your channel, then use social media as a way of finding the ideas that you are looking for. You can look at images people have posted on Instagram or Facebook and see what kind of image resonates with them so that you can go ahead and create that kind of image for your own videos. If there is something trending, then you can actually use it as inspiration for your own work when creating videos about that topic.

Start with a Personality Test There are online personality tests that you can take in order to determine the type of person you really are. These personality tests will help you get a better idea of what kind of content will resonate with your audience and followers so that you can create something unique for them.

Do Keywords Research When you search for a video, YouTube will show search terms that people use regularly. Use these suggestions to help you generate ideas for your videos. If you want to check out to know if people are talking about a certain subject, you can search on YouTube. You can also use keyword research tools to find the best keywords that people use in their search so that you can use them to come up with ideas for creating your own content.

Do an Online Survey People love giving their opinions and sharing their thoughts about something so why not leverage this for your own benefit? You can put up a survey online and ask questions about your videos or ask them how they feel about certain topics so that you can be inspired by what they have to say.

Major Requirements for YouTube Channel

When you’re creating YouTube videos, it is important to have good equipment to really capture the YouTube experience for the viewer. Here are a few of the things that you should have incorporated into your YouTube videos:

1. Lights and Camera Stand

The camera is not always in a fixed position when you’re recording, so it’s important that it is able to move freely when you’re recording it. You can get a tripod that works for your camera or you can also get a stand for your camera so that the camera will be stabilized when you record the video. If you don’t have lights, then there are times when your video is going to appear too dark and people won’t be able to see what you’re doing or even see your face.

2. Camera with High-Quality Lens

A camera is not used just to capture the content of your video, but it also has to capture the quality of your video as well. Getting a camera with a good lens quality is important because this will ensure that you have very high-quality images.

External Microphone You should always have an external microphone to help capture great sound quality while you are recording videos. If the sound quality of your videos is not good, then your video might be rejected, so this is something that you should get to make sure that your videos are of good quality.

3. Wireless Lavalier Microphone

This is another good microphone for your YouTube channel. It’s very convenient because there are no cables connected, and it has a wireless receiver in it so that you can be able to place it anywhere and not have an extra cable connected to the device. It’s also very easy to use and is something that you should consider using because it will help capture more quality sound when you are recording video.

4. Video Editing Software This is something that you should get if you want to create exceptional videos. It makes editing videos so much easier because it will make the process of creating videos very simple and convenient. There are different types of software programs, so if you’re going to be doing the editing on your own, you can get the full suite for professional video editing.

How to Market Your YouTube Channel and get more Followers 

It is important that you spend some time marketing your YouTube channel if you want it to succeed. This can be done through the following ways:

Posting on Other Social Media Platforms 

You should also post videos on other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. You can even create a website for your channel and start promoting it there. This is going to help get your channel out to a wider range of audiences and give them an additional resource for getting information about the subject for which you are creating content.

Advertise on Facebook 

If you have enough budget, then you should be able to get some ads to put up on Facebook so that you can spread the word about your YouTube channel and get more subscribers. It is one of the best ways to get more people subscribed to your channel.

Participate in Online Forums 

You can also participate in online forums to let people know about your YouTube channel so that you can get more subscribers and help increase the exposure of your videos. You should also try going on Reddit and other social websites where other people are creating content related to the subjects that you are creating content for, so that you can create a better relationship with them.

Create a Website 

If you’re going to be making lots of videos and you want to make sure that people are able to find your channel, then you should make sure that you create a website for your channel. This will help promote your channel better and give people an additional resource to get information about the subject that your channel is covering.

Have a Good Instagram Account 

If you want to get more subscribers and have your channel be successful, then it’s essential to have a good Instagram account. This is a great way to get people interested in the content that you are creating because they can see what you’re doing and what the subject matter is.

Ask People to Subscribe 

If you ask people who follow your YouTube channel if they would like to subscribe, then this is something that will help get more people subscribed to your channel and will help build a better relationship with them so that when you post your videos online, they are more willing to click on it and watch it.

Be Active on Social Media 

You also need to blog and be active on social media to make sure that people are aware of what’s going on with the videos that you are creating. This is important because you can use social media to announce new videos, promote your channel and keep people updated on what you are doing.

You can also create a new site for your YouTube channel as well so that you can have additional access to people who may not know about your channel otherwise. You should be using all of these techniques in order to get more subscribers to your YouTube channel.

You need to market on various social media platforms in order to get more subscribers and get additional people interested in your channel. If you don’t do this, then your YouTube channel is going to fail because no one is going to be able to find it and if you don’t have a lot of subscribers, then no one is going to watch your videos.

Best Ways to Make Money with Your YouTube Channel

There are many ways to make money from your YouTube channel. Here are some of the best ways:

Affiliate Marketing 

If you have a large enough channel, then you can consider affiliate marketing. You can create content that is related to a product and then when someone clicks on the video, they will be able to go directly to where you buy that product. This is something that is going to help increase the profits because you will get a percentage of the profit whenever someone buys a product through your link. This is a great way for you to make money and help build your audience as well.

Product Placement 

This is another great way that you can make money from your channel. When you are creating videos for your channel, you should be able to see if there are companies that you want to create a video about and tell people about those products. When you create a video talking about these products, then the company is going to pay you for the promotion of their product because this will help increase sales.

Join YouTube Partner Program 

In order to make money with your YouTube channel, then you should join the YouTube Partner Program, which is the same as Google AdSense. This program will allow you to make money based on the impressions of adverts that are shown through your videos. The more ads that are shown through your videos on YouTube, then the more money that you will make.

This is a great way for you to make money and it’s actually very easy to join. You need to have over 1000 subscribers to qualify for the program and you need to have a minimum of 4000 hours of watch time in the past 12 months. 

Become a Company Ambassador

This is another great way to make money from your channel, what is expected here is to make videos for companies who want to promote their brand. They will pay you based on the viewership and other factors like the number of views and so on. So, if you are creating YouTube videos related to a product or service, then you can contact the company and tell them that you want to make a video about their product. They will work with you and pay you based on your viewership.

Top Tips on How to Build a Successful YouTube Channel

If you are interested in building a YouTube channel to make money, then you should follow the tips below in order to help you get more subscribers and build your channel up.

Content is King

First, you will need to find content that your audience will like so they’ll watch it and keep coming back to your channel. The best way to do this is by finding your niche and creating content that is directly related to it. For example: if you want to build a channel around cooking, create content about new food recipes or what you would cook for dinner tonight. If you want to build a channel about beauty or fashion, then create videos about these topics and get comment responses from people who are interested in the same subject matter. If you want to create a gaming channel, then play the games that your viewers are interested in and commentate on them.

Earning Money

Ad Revenue from YouTube ads is currently the most common way of earning money and is the easiest way for you to make money that you don’t have to lift a finger for. If you would like to earn some extra cash by monetizing your videos then take a look at my article on How To Make Money On YouTube. It will give you more information about how to get started with monetization, how much money people make from it, and how much time/effort is required for it.

Comments, Comments, Comments!

You will also need to get your channel to grow organically by encouraging viewers to comment on your videos. This will not only help other viewers feel more comfortable about commenting, but it will also show YouTube that your channel is getting more attention and help them assign it a higher page rank.

Traffic and Views are Important

In order to be successful on YouTube, you will need to generate enough views and clicks. Videos that have over a certain amount of views will get more than enough money from ads. The number of views you need to generate depends on the type of video that you are uploading. For example, if you are uploading videos with 3 minutes of length then 4 thousand views per video are needed, if you are uploading videos with 30 seconds of length then 1000 views per video are needed, and if you are uploading videos that have been optimized with catchy titles and captions then much more than 10 thousand views per video is needed. The more views you have on your channel, the more people will subscribe to your channel and watch all of your videos.

Just because you don’t have views doesn’t mean that you can’t generate money. If you have enough subscribers and watch time then you will still earn money through the YouTube Partner Program. You won’t make as much money as if you had a lot of uploaded content that people can watch for free, but it is still a way to earn some extra cash without lifting a finger.

Time Cuts in Your Growth

YouTube channel takes a few months to grow into a strong competitive force. As soon as you start uploading videos, your server needs to be able to run the video fast enough so that people can watch it. When you are running out of available bandwidth, then YouTube may try and serve your video again later. If enough people start watching your video then YouTube will have no choice but to serve it to everyone then, which will make more money for YouTube as they will get more views and clicks. If you upload videos that do not have views or clicks enough times then YouTube may decide that it isn’t worth spending bandwidth on serving them anymore then they can just decide not to serve that specific video.

The more videos you upload, the longer it takes for each video to get watched and this means that it takes longer for YouTube to make money from you. This can be a huge disadvantage if you are only looking to build an audience for your channel and not worry about making any money yourself as this will take a lot of time.

Get Subscribers from Social Media

There are several ways you can use to get subscribers for your channel, including posting your channel link on social media, running social media campaigns, and inviting people to subscribe to your channel. Social media campaigns are usually the most cost-effective way to get subscribers but that doesn’t mean that you should solely rely on social media. Always use a call to action in your videos too.


YouTube is hugely popular and advertisers are spending more and more money on it. This means you can generate a lot of cash by getting lots of views on your videos. You can try to do this by yourself but it takes a lot of time and effort and you will likely not get a large number of views regularly. If you want more views then you can try running ads for your videos on social media platforms.

Remember, if you work hard at increasing the amount of traffic that is generated from your channel, then it won’t take long for your channel to start getting noticed, which will pay off big time in the long run.


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