Music can soothe, motivate, and even alter our mood. Surprisingly enough, recent studies have proved that listening to certain types of music is one way to regulate our mental Health. There are extensive studies that can point out how different types of music will have other effects on us.
Music has been shown to have a powerful effect on our mental Health. It can positively affect emotions and cognitive functions, such as anxiety, stress, depression, mood regulation, and memory. Music therapy and other auditory therapies have been known to help patients with mental illness, but how exactly does music evoke such strong and positive effects on our minds? What types of music work best?
Listening to a specific type of music can help us manage the dreaded symptoms associated with mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Although the exact reason why this happens is not well-understood, there is some evidence that may explain why music affects us the way it does.
Music shows a complex network of biological effects likely to be related to our cognitive function, emotion regulation, motor/emotional control, social cognition, and communication; in other words, how do music and other auditory stimuli affect us?
Music is a numerous source of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral control over humans. Of all the mental processes used in music processing, it shows a lot of similarities with emotional regulation because emotions and feelings are connected to cognition – including memory – considerable evidence points to how we feel and relate to those things around us.
We show affection for what is familiar, for example. We are also influenced by how we perceive things visually and acoustically. This can explain why music affects us on a psychological level as well as an emotional one. It shows us how our brain works concerning other senses and how it relates to our surroundings.
The fact that music has this powerful effect on us doesn’t only relate to emotions but also to memories. When we suffer from depression, we tend to forget those happy memories. When we hear a certain kind of music, the memory quality is enhanced, and it seems no time has passed. It could be said that, in this instance, music is acting as a form of ‘memory preservative.’ By spicing up our memory with pleasurable feelings and happiness, we can fill the void left by all the bad things happening in that period.
The Key Role of Music in Our Lives
Music has an enormous role in our lives – on some occasions more than others; nonetheless, it is a case of either you like it, or you don’t. Despite this, countless people tend not to listen to music because they see no good reason to do so. In the past, people may have considered music a ‘waste of time’ – something to be disregarded because it’s ‘useless’ and does not contribute to anything. Yet, we now know it has plenty of benefits and can help us in various ways.
We must first examine how our brain is wired to understand why music is essential. The human brain comprises billions of neurons that can communicate with one another through electrical impulses; they also communicate with their environment through sound waves. When we listen to music, it tells the brain something. For example, depending on what type of music we’re listening to, it sends us a message that could be related to emotion or merely provide entertainment and pleasure.
Music is closely connected with our emotions because they have much in common; they are both pleasing (or displeasing) to the ear and can transmit through multiple senses. Unsurprisingly, there should be so many similarities between music and our emotions. This can explain why music has such a powerful effect on us – it’s almost as if it were communicating directly with us.
Music has been considered a universal language, one that everyone understands. With its close link to emotions, how can we predict its effect on us? It is challenging to answer this question, but we can break it down further into the different kinds of music and their impact on us.
Are there different kinds of music that can positively affect our mental health? The answer is yes, and we already know a lot about it. We have already mentioned that different types of music have other effects on us – they can be used to help us with anxiety, stress, depression, mood regulation, and memory. Now, let’s take a deeper look at how this works.
What Type of Music Is Best for Mental Health?
It’s an innocent question, but it would be best not to say it. Although many different kinds of music can affect us differently, an overwhelming amount of evidence points out the best type for mental Health.
When choosing the type of music that is most effective at helping us manage mental illnesses, the role of research and science becomes essential. For example, in the case of anxiety and depression, while classical can aid in apprehension, romantic music is more effective when dealing with depression, so much so that scientists have even gone as far as comparing this to biological reactions such as neurotransmitters.
When choosing the type of music that is most effective at helping us manage mental illnesses, the role of research and science becomes essential. We now know that certain types of songs can significantly affect our brains. While listening to classical music can aid in anxiety management – due to its repetitive nature and ability to reaffirm emotional stability – romantic music is more effective when dealing with depression, so much so that scientists have even compared this to biological reactions such as neurotransmitters.
As it turns out, those who deal with depression show higher levels of cortisol when compared to the rest of the population. This hormone is associated with stress and anxiety, which explains why we listen to music during those moods. Music can modulate the activity of these neurotransmitters by intensifying or decreasing them. This can prevent certain conditions, like depression and anxiety, due to their chemical nature.
With this in mind, it’s clear why certain types of music work for different people; certain people experience higher levels of dopamine, for example, so they might be inclined to dance and listen to funk. On the other hand, other people have higher serotonin levels and would be better suited for listening to baroque.
15 Types of Music that Will Boost your Mental Health
Plenty of options regarding the best way to play music for mental Health. With this in mind, let’s look at 15 types of music that can improve our mental Health.
1. Relaxing Music
Relaxing music is a type of music that promotes relaxation and generally induces feelings of peace, calmness, and happiness. In most cases, relaxing music focuses on instruments such as horns and strings, but it can also delve into other devices like guitar and piano.
Studies have shown that relaxing music does not necessarily have to be slow. Regarding relaxation, BPM (beats per minute) is not a factor. It is more important that the piece be consonant, soft, and smooth. Relaxing and enjoying ourselves while listening to it will be easier.
When we think of music, we often think of words that accompany it – music you can hear. However, the musicality of much of the music found today differs significantly from the past. Whereas most classical pieces were instrumental, contemporary music explains a feeling or emotion through lyrics and instruments.
The most important thing to remember when discussing relaxing music is that it should have a calming effect on us. Focusing on its tones and melodies can help relieve our worries and make us feel much more at ease. The music can be so calming that you may feel like you can no longer do anything else.
2. Workout Music
Workout music is music that is used to increase our energy levels, both physical and mental. As it stands, there are plenty of types of workout songs out there, but the most common one that we are likely to hear is a song that has a kick drum or percussion instrument in it. This type of song is usually relatively fast-paced, making the dance move so the person listening cannot help but complete it.
However, with workout music, it’s important to remember that there is an overlap between what we listen to when we are working out and the music we listen to when we are trying to get pumped up for a big event. This type of music usually is relatively fast and has potent instruments – like drums or trumpets – which make us feel much more substantial than expected.
When it comes to workout music, its purpose is usually to make you feel more energized and powerful. However, if you know how this works, the best way for you to have the correct reaction would be to listen to a song with the right tempo.
3. Classical Music
Classical music can be defined as the type of music that is or was written and performed by composers known to be in line with the classical style and standard, making it very popular among contemporary audiences. While it has been around for a very long time, it is still relevant and popular today, especially regarding the various effects linked to listening to classical music.
Classical music is a type of music that is usually associated with instrumental songs, especially during the Baroque era and the Romantic period. This type of music was prevalent back in the day, and it still is today. Classical music has several components to its composition – melody, harmony, and rhythm – which gives it an edge over other genres of music.
In terms of classical music’s role in mental health, many studies point out the benefits of listening to it to lower your anxiety levels or even improve your well-being. While classical music is not a genre that we would usually associate with mental Health, it is still essential to look into, especially if you want to change your mood positively.
The reason why this type of music is so effective, though, lies in its ability to drown out other noises. So much so that, when it comes to noise cancellation headphones, they often block out sounds that are less than 100 decibels. With the right headphones, you can focus on everything except the sounds around you.
4. Electronic Music
Electronic music is a genre that has been around for quite some time. It is prevalent and accessible for people to listen to today, primarily because of its ability to be produced quickly without the use of much space. In terms of its effect on our mental states, this type of music can affect us in different ways; some people love it, while others may not even like it.
The most common way electronic music changes our moods is by producing euphoria exponentially. Music can have such a powerful effect on us – especially when we are having a bad day – because it can stimulate our nervous system in various ways. For example, listening to a song with a fast BPM can increase our heartbeat and breathing rate.
While it is true that electronic music can stimulate our bodies and make us feel much better about ourselves, we must also understand how it affects our brains. Many studies have been conducted on the link between listening to electronic music and having a good time. One of these studies showed that boys who listen to electronic music in their teenage years are twice as likely to develop anxiety disorders in their adult lives than their peers with no experience in listening to this genre.
5. Hip-Hop
Hip-hop is a genre of music that has been around for quite some time now, but there has never been a better time in which it has become one of the most popular forms of music that people listen to. In fact, nowadays, people have taken to listening to this type of music in dramatic proportions.
While there are some songs we can listen to without anyone knowing what we are listening to, most hip-hop songs are straightforward to recognize as they have several features in common. For one thing, these songs will often feature rap verses that are continuously rhyming with each other. In addition, the beats in which these rappers rap are usually very powerful, making it difficult to resist the desire to move along to the rhythm.
On top of that, when it comes to hip-hop music and its effect on our mental states, there is no other genre of music that can help us feel more motivated than this particular type of music. The reason for this is its ability to make you feel a sense of belonging and solidarity, which is essential for those dealing with depression. In fact, one study showed that people who listen to hip-hop have lower anxiety and depression scores than those who do not listen to this type of genre.
6. Rock Music
Rock music has been around for a very long time, but there has never been a better time in which it has become one of the most popular forms of music that people listen to. In fact, nowadays, people have taken to listening to this genre of music in dramatic proportions.
Unlike other types of songs, rock songs are known for having heavy bass lines that can be heard from a distance and can be linked to an intense feeling of power. The reason why we love rock music so much is its ability to make us feel powerful at all times. Although it can be true that the majority of rock songs are related to sadness and resignation, it is also true that this type of music can make us feel a lot better about ourselves and our lives.
Rock music is often characterized as being upbeat, optimistic, and hopeful – something that has become a trademark feature in the genre to many people. While this is not necessarily the case, it is still true that listening to rock music makes us feel better at all times. This is because it tends to put us in a good mood and reduces our feelings of discontentment at all times.
7. Blues
Blues is another type of music that has been around for quite some time now, and it has maintained popularity in the music world until now. In fact, we often associate this type of genre with a sense of being bluesy. This is because many people who listen to this genre use slang that is hard to understand.
On top of that, regarding this type of music’s effect on our mental states, several studies show that listening to blues can help us feel better about ourselves. For example, one study showed how listening to blues can reduce stress levels by 35% in only four weeks.
Another study showed how listening to blues can actually reduce the risk of depression and possibly boost our moods in the long term. This is because how blues music has developed over time (and through its use by many people) means that our brains have evolved to process this type of music better than other genres.
8. Jazz
Jazz is another popular form of music that has been around for quite some time now, and it has maintained popularity in the music world until today. On top of that, this genre has a somewhat rebellious reputation, as we often associate it with smoking marijuana and creating mayhem.
Although this reputation is not entirely true, we need to understand that jazz music tends to promote a sense of ecstasy and euphoria. This is particularly true for those with depression or other mental health conditions.
The reason why we love this type of music so much has to do with the fact that it is one of the most soulful and moving genres of music that have ever been created. When you start listening to jazz, your whole mood tends to change briefly, and this can only happen because you are being exposed to an entirely new experience.
This type of music affects us because it incorporates a lot of improvisation. This feature is tailor-made for those dealing with depression, as it allows them to express themselves in their way and make sense of their lives on their terms at all times.
9. Nature Music
Nature music is a type of music that has been around for quite some time now and has maintained popularity in the music world until today. We often associate this genre with being nostalgic, something that is both good and bad at the same time.
Although this genre does tend to make us nostalgic, it is also true that this type of music can help us feel better in several ways. For example, one study showed how listening to nature music can reduce stress levels by over 50% in just eight weeks. This is because nature music helps provide people with a sense of acceptance and well-being at all times. In addition, it also works to make people feel more relaxed.
The reason why listening to nature music can have such an effect on our mental states is the fact that it is all about harmony. Moreover, it also promotes a sense of balance in our lives and reminds us of the beautiful world that we live in at all times.
Nature music is something that people tend to listen to when they want to get away from their daily stressors and immerse themselves in something more positive. In addition, these songs can help us feel more connected with the rest of the world around us, which is particularly important when feeling disconnected.
10. Cinematic Music
Cinematic music is a type of music that has been around for quite some time now and has maintained popularity in the music world until today. We often associate this genre with being emotional, something that is both good and bad at the same time.
Climatic music tends to evoke emotions in some people because it tends to focus on topics such as love, depression, solitude, and other essential things of this kind. In other words, we tend to equate cinematic music with sadness – even though this is not always true.
The best thing about cinematic music is that it promotes a sense of tranquility and peace at all times. Listening to this type of music makes people feel better in several ways. For example, one study showed how listening to cinematic music can reduce stress levels by 40% in four days. When you start listening to this type of music regularly, you will notice that it makes your life more relaxing and calm.
In addition, you will also notice many other benefits from using cinematic music in your everyday life. For example, it can help you focus on the things that are important in your life and eliminate the things that aren’t.
The reason why this type of music is so effective has to do with the fact that it draws upon our emotions. Moreover, listening to cinematic music brings us closer to the world around us and helps us feel more connected with every individual we come into contact with.
11. Alternative Music
Alternative music is a type of music that has been around for quite some time now and has maintained popularity in the music world until today. We often associate this genre with being rebellious, something that is both good and bad at the same time.
Alternative music is not necessarily rebellious, but it always promotes a sense of freedom and independence. This is why so many people love alternative music, as it reminds them about their own values and the importance of individuality.
In addition to promoting a sense of freedom and individuality, alternative music has a lot of emotional appeal. Indeed, listening to alternative music tends to lift our spirits in an entirely new way thanks to its more raw nature.
The reason why listening to alternative music is so emotionally appealing is that it has a profound impact on our minds. The melodies, beats, and other elements that make up this type of music have a substantial effect on our feelings and emotions at all times, making us feel alive in a whole new way.
12. New Age Music
New-age music was around for quite some time before it became popular in the music world. We often associate this genre with being emotional, something that is both good and bad at the same time.
Although the name may suggest otherwise, new-age music does not necessarily mean emotional music. There are indeed several new-age songs that emphasize this type of thing, but many others do not.
The best thing about new-age music is that it promotes a sense of unity and oneness with other people. When you listen to this type of music, you will notice how it makes you feel calmer and more at peace with the world around us. This is because this type of music focuses not on negativity and aggression but on life’s authentic and natural things.
In addition to promoting unity and harmony, new-age music also has a lot of emotional appeal. Indeed, listening to this type of music tends to lift our spirits in an entirely new way thanks to its more raw nature.
Listening to new-age music is so emotionally appealing because it profoundly impacts our minds. The melodies, beats, and other elements that make up this type of music tend to have a substantial effect on our feelings and emotions at all times, making us feel alive in a whole new way.
13. Religious Music
Religious music has been around for quite some time, and it has maintained popularity in the music world until today. We often associate this genre with being emotional, something that is both good and bad at the same time.
Although the name may suggest otherwise, religious music does not necessarily mean emotional music. There are indeed several spiritual songs that emphasize this type of thing, but there are also many others that do not.
The best thing about religious music is that it always promotes a sense of spirituality and inner peace. Listening to this music also makes us feel closer to God and our higher selves. This is why so many people love religious music, as it reminds them of their values and the importance of spirituality in their lives.
In addition to promoting a sense of spirituality and harmony, religious music also has many emotional appeals. Indeed, listening to this type of music tends to lift our spirits in an entirely new way thanks to its more raw nature.
The reason why listening to religious music is so emotionally appealing is that it has a profound impact on our minds. The melodies, beats, and other elements that make up this type of music tend to have a substantial effect on our feelings and emotions at all times, making us feel alive in a whole new way.
14. Instrumental Music
Instrumental music was around for quite some time before it became popular in the music world. We often associate this genre with being emotional, something that is both good and bad at the same time.
Although the name may suggest otherwise, instrumentals do not necessarily mean emotional music. There are indeed some instrumental songs that emphasize this type of thing, but there are also many others that don’t.
The best thing about instrumental music is that it always promotes a sense of calmness and peace. Listening to this music makes us feel closer to God and our higher selves. This is why so many people love instrumental music, as it reminds them about their values and the importance of spirituality in their lives.
In addition to promoting a sense of spirituality and harmony, instrumental music also has a lot of emotional appeal. Indeed, listening to this type of music tends to lift our spirits in an entirely new way thanks to its more raw nature.
Listening to instrumental music is so emotionally appealing because it profoundly impacts our minds. The melodies, beats, and other elements that make up this type of music tend to have a substantial effect on our feelings and emotions at all times, making us feel alive in a whole new way.
15. Pop Music
Pop music was popular thanks to several different singers, bands, and other performers. It has been around for quite some time now and has maintained popularity in the music world until today. We often associate this genre with being emotional, something that is both good and bad at the same time.
Although the name may suggest otherwise, pop music does not necessarily mean emotional music. There are indeed several pop songs that emphasize this type of thing, but there are also many others that do not.
The best thing about pop music is that it promotes a sense of positivity and joy in all aspects of life. Listening to this type of music makes us feel closer to other people and shows us that life can be fun at times as well.
In addition to promoting a sense of positivity and joy, pop music has a lot of emotional appeal. Indeed, listening to this type of music tends to lift our spirits in an entirely new way thanks to its more raw nature.
Listening to pop music is so emotionally appealing because it profoundly impacts our minds. The melodies, beats, and other elements that make up this type of music tend to have a substantial effect on our feelings and emotions at all times, making us feel alive in a whole new way.
Music is a big part of our lives, and its emotional appeal will not likely change shortly, either. Even though many believe this appeal will decrease over time, it increases as time goes on. The best part about this type of appeal is that it helps us connect with our emotions and ourselves in a whole new way.
The best thing about emotional music is that it helps us deal with the ups and downs of life. It is a positive way to deal with stress, pain, and other feelings we may have at the moment and a way to express ourselves in a new and unusual way.
Music has this type of appealing nature so it can play several different roles in our lives. You can listen to instrumental music when you want to be more focused or relaxed. In addition, instrumental music has a lot of emotional appeal as well, which is why so many people love it so much.
Religious music can be a great way to keep us in touch with our spiritual side. It is also a fun and uplifting way to experience the emotional appeal of music, as the songs are often highly rhythmic and very well composed. The emotional appeal you get from music can also help you deal with life’s ups and downs, helping you stay positive at all times.
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